Clients (Active / Non-Active)

Listing & Status of Halal Certificate
No Name of
the Company
/Fast food
Address Halal
Date of issue Halal
Active / Valid Certificates
1 2 Bros American Fast Casual Under wood
Market Place Qld
Yes/Valid 12-Apr-24
2 2 Bros American Fast Casual 200 kingston
road Slacks creek logon
Yes/Valid 15-Jul-24
3 2 Bros American Fast Casual 310 Olsen
Ave,Parkwood Qld 4214
Yes/Valid 24-Jul-24
4 Malaysian Makanan Restaurant u 17/51 kameruka
St,Calamvale Qld 4166
Yes/Valid 22-Nov-24
5 Tasty Noodles Fast food
Restaurant din in
shop 8/7 Brown
st Labrador Qld 4215
Yes/Valid 18 Nov204
6 Virsa Restaurant
(Pakistani cousine)
shop 5/2922-2926
Logon road Under wood Qld 4119
Yes/Valid 01-May-2023
7 Comfy Food Pty Ltd Production
of Ready to eat package snack foods
Rd,Acacia Ridge QLD
Yes/Valid 14-Nov-24
8 Halal Butcher Shop Butcher Shop Shop 3,1 Barklay
Place, Marsden Qld, 4132
Yes/Valid 01-Aug-24
In Active / Not Valid Certificates
1 Rush Hours fast food 23/57 station st Nerange Qld 4211 Not valid Not with
Oceania Halal Services since 3 years
2 Path Wag Goomen Pty Ltd Margon Qld meat processer 15230 Bunya HWY
Murgon Qld 4605
Not valid Not with Oceania Halal services
3 Shop-N-Save Sausage of meat
and Lamb processing
2-24 Wembley
Rd,Logan Central
Not valid De-Register due to
unauthorized used of Halal logo without Oceania Halal services Qld
Permission Halal contact and production supervison.
  Note : Oceania Halal services is not
responsible of any of its Halal sausage (meat & chicken) production as prepared without Halal concern,
permission and agreement.